Matou! is a collective of Samoan and non Samoan speakers interested in keeping the Samoan language alive around the world. There are many Samoans, spouses of Samoans, children, and others that have very limited knowledge of the Samoan language. Our goal is to eliminate the barriers to acquiring the Samoan language by providing additional learning resources. People interested in learning Samoan can learn on this Matou! platform their own pace.
"I started following Matou on Instagram. I really loved the teaching style and was so excited to hear about the classes."
- Miti S.
Hi, I’m Suli
I'm half Samoan and Tongan. I'm ashamed to say that I went over 30 years of my life not knowing either language. I tried learning Samoan for years but it just seemed really difficult. I learned more following you on Youtube for 3 weeks than I've learned my entire life. Thanks for creating these courses!